Letter written by Mary Conlon on board Famine Ship Achilles shortly before she perished in May, 1847.
Ship Achilles.
My dear Brother
With a sore heart I now address you, a widow with three small children and likely before your receive this I may give birth to another orphan. I do not know how to unfold my melancholy talk. About 10 o’clock on the first of May my dear John went up to the head of the ship. A wave came up which left my children fatherless. all efforts were made but he went to meet his God
I am now destitute if you do not meet me at Mr. Geo. H. White Architect, Young Street, Toronto who is to forward this letter to you.
I do not intend stopping any place until I reach Toronto and if you meet me there neither I nor the children will be any burthen on you. Little Benny is with a cough complaint but is mending. There was a deal of sickness in the ship today 19th May / the 19th person was committed to the deep
and God only knows what will be the consequence before we reach Quebec which we expect to reach on Sunday first. Nancy Hughes is also with us and had had bad health during the passage. I can tell you no more of my thoughts at present. I remain your affectionate sister-in-law
M. Conlon
I do not know my brothers directions We are arrived at quarantine bay and will leave for Quebec on Thursday 3. I have no address